Wednesday, 9 February 2011

A little piece of Canada (Originally posted: Jan. 6/2011)

On the ride home from this last russian wellsite, about a 4 hour drive, I was the passenger to a friendly operator and his english was good enough to have 2-3 one line conversations. At the point when our conversation had faded he told me to look in the glove comparment as there was music there and I could put in any tape I wanted.

Well, I went through the miserable collection of Papa Roach, Bloodhound, Crazy town tapes and thinking I would be forced to listen to one of them. But, in the bottom of the pack was a mix tape of all Bryan Adams songs. I was so pleased to see that bit of Canadiana in the middle of my Russian world. I picked up the tape, looked at the operator I was driving with, and pointed at the tape saying ‘Canada, Canada’. I had to play the tape now that I had gotten so excited about it and in the middle of the first run through I realized this mix had more of B. Adams slower love ballad type songs than I remembered. Thankfully this was not one of the crew members form the ‘sauna incident’ so I wasn’t adding more fuel to the fire but it was starting to get a little uncomfortable listening to that type of music in the oilfield and only worse, in the Russian oilfield. I was getting some glances my way wondering why I chose this type of music for us to listen to BUT THEN..
on comes Summer of ’69 to save the day. He started asking me who was this artist, and if he’s really canadian..i could tell he had become a fan. How couldn’t you? So we spent the whole ride home ‘Waking up the Neighbours’. A few days later and he’s still asking me about Bryan Adams.

Heading back to the city now, Russian Xmas tomorrow and a little bit of down time to enjoy the weekend.

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