Saturday, 9 April 2011

I was at a local nightclub last night and partway through the night someone decided to show the semi-finals (i think) of Canada vs. Scotland in Ford world men's curling championship on the only TV they had in the club.  An interesting choice to say the least to show in the night club.  As expected no one was watching except for me and it wasn't for my love of curling but noticing that this tournament was being held in Regina.  For those who don't know, Regina is my hometown.  Just as with the diamond in the rough find of the Bryan Adams tape in a Russian work truck, I felt a bit of pride and homesickness to see my city on TV and all the fans in red cheering on Canada in what ended up being a win.  It didn't matter that the Euro/Russian house music was blaring in the foreground.  As the camera scanned the crowd of fans it showed a seemingly endless close up of an older lady, presumably a proud mother, waving her canadian flag in front of her.  The only problem is that she was holding it backwards. You might say that it's impossible to hold the Canadian flag backwards an you would be mostly right but when it has a trim at the bottom that says CANADA but you see it as ADANAC it becomes a bit more obvious. 

This affected me more than it should have at the time and I was a little distraught from seeing my flag being waved backwards.  Thankfully, a nice girl with a barbed wire tattoo on her arm took me to the dance floor and helped me forget my troubles.  After a few basic Russian-English back and forths I asked what her job was and she told me it was a 'secret! secret!'....must be a government thing.

1 comment:

  1. They have those secret agents in Vietnam too. They almost got the Godfather.
