Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Tyumen airport

To achieve this efficient 30 hour travel time one has to leave Tyumen early in the morning so you can make the connections is Moscow. With little sleep last night, and the last two weeks really, I wasn't starting this trip very fresh but still excited to get home.

At the entrance to the airport everyone has to go through an initial metal detector, even if not flying. A good safety measure I suppose but probably just used as a way to add more Russian jobs. A couple of my students were travelling the same day as me ad I saw one of them, from Iraq, holding up the security screening. He noticed me further back in the line, came over to say hi and said he had a bit of a problem.

'I forgot to get rid of my room key from the training center'
'ok, I can take it. No problem.'
'no, you don't understand. I had lost my actual room key a while ago so I've been using a knife to get in. '
- now the security delay makes sense. Probably not good for anyone to get caught with a knife but if someone were to add a stereotype, it would be worse for an Iraqi.
'ok, got it. Just step outside and discreetly drop it in the garbage'
- even when I try, I can't stop teaching.

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