Thursday, 23 February 2012

День защитника Отечества

Supporting my opinion that Russia has mastered the idea of holidays, today is 'Defender of the Fatherland Day' also known as Men's Day.  I can't think of a better titled holiday. 

It used to be called 'Red Army Day' and then renamed to 'Soviet Army and Navy Day' and is supposed to celebrate people who have served in the Russian Army.  Despite being too skinny, weak, and generally too scared to ever serve in any army I still feel like this day is for me. 

On Women's day the female employees are showered with chocolates and flowers and treated and queens for the day.  We, as Men, don't get the same attention but do receive many emails thanking us for being men and praising our manly ways.  That will suffice for me.

Correction:  On the day following Men's Day, which is a day off, the women planned a very nice celebration where we snacked on finger foods and received gifts.  I've been spoiled and will not be able to let another February 23rd pass without my proper recognition.  I'm bringing this holiday to Canada....

The spread

My gift - 'I am hard to find, easy to lose and impossible to forget'


  1. Can't believe that!! We bought you guys a BEAUTIFUL cake on the exact day !!! But we've NEVER heard of this "party" on the NEXT day !!! >:( grr

  2. hmmm i don't remember you invited us to dinner on 23....
