Sunday, 25 May 2014

Reading Chinese signs

Since I started learning how to read Chinese characters, albeit slowly, I try to test myself sometimes by reading signs as I walk around on on the way to/from work.  I can usually read some of the letters but it's unlikely I can read all the ones in any given sign so I end up missing out on the full meaning, but still a good challenge.

This sign was on the door of the subway and I noticed it for two reasons.  One, the girl is good looking and two, I recognized almost all the characters.  I only didn't know one but it was a critical one in understanding the meaning.  I wanted to know what she was asking me. 

I put my finger on the first character and moved down to each one as I read an interpreted it.  I'm sure the locals had a laugh watching me.  

你 - you
的 - changes 'you' to 'your'
肠 - intestines 
道 - path (but the previous combined with this one stays as intestines)  

今 - now
天 - day (turns 'now day' into 'today')
动 - move
了- article indicating past tense
没 - or not
? - question mark (indicating that she is asking a question) 

After all my excitement I found out she was asking if I'd had a bowel movement today.  That wasn't worth it.

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