Sunday, 22 June 2014

I've been warned

My coworkers sent me this picture last week.  They followed it with a question of, 'Can you understand this?' and then a suspicious winking emoticon.

It didn't look like a funny story from the picture and I'll admit I couldn't understand the words, only a few of the characters.

I finally got one of my colleagues to explain it to me.  There are two important parts to this picture.  The sentence in light blue which is the headline of what happened and the sentence above it which is a quote coming from the man in the photo.

The Headline:  'Software Development Manager..' (which is similar enough my position) '...hit in the head by programmer...' (the people that work with me) '...with a computer monitor.'

The Quote:  'All I did was ask my programmer to change the requirement one more time'
    - I do this many times a day!!

This photo has now been passed around to all the programmers that work in my teams. Now each time I ask them to change something they nicely remind me that they each have two computer monitors at their desk. Then they laugh, and laugh, and laugh.  

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